New Hall Farm
Lot 3 in the 1919 estate auction)
Now (2017) called the Morris Dancer public house) from Lingham
This farm was also originally part of the manor of Gooshays, The name New Hall is medieval in derivation and as the farm is the oldest on Harold Hill, first mentioned l46l, it was probably named after the first farm house or hall to be built, therefore, the New Hall. When the manor was sold in 1829, the farm was a part of Gooshays Manor, as well as Pinchbeck smallholding, which adjoined New Hall. In 1919, the tenants were Mr. and Mrs. J. Mallison who had received the tenancy in 1913. The annual rent was £222. They also bought the farm from the Neaves in that year. The farm was compulsorily purchased by the L.C.C. in 1947 and eventually became the Morris Dancer.
Below is the description taken from the London Borough of Havering's listed buildings website. The detail that the dormers are 19th century must be erroneous as the top picture opposite shows the house without dormers or the pitched roof on the porch. This picture cannot be 19th century and must be early 20th century.
"18th century first half. Double pile house, originally a farmhouse. Red and blue brick, two main storeys. South front five sash windows wide, central door with modern Georgian style porch. All windows with cambered heads except the first floor central window which is round-headed. Old tile roof with two 19th century dormers. End stacks set inside the gable wall. North front on brick plinth. Four windows wide with entrance in second bay from east. Upper floor has sashes with straight heads, ground floor window modern. West end wall with three semi-circular headed windows"
Below an extract from the 1919 auction catalogue. At this auction a major part of the Neave estate was sold.
Lot 3. New Hall farm.
The excellent farm house
Has five attics (two used as bed rooms), four bed rooms and dressing room, bath room with hot and cold water and w.c. dining room, drawing room, study, kitchen, pantry, scullery, bakehouse, wood and coal sheds, with well laid out garden.
The farm buildings.
Comprising : two-stall nag stable, harness room and coach house, cart horse stabling for five, with chaff house, cow stalls for forty four cows, loose boxes, cooling room, barn and mixing room with granary over. Lean-to grain pit, waggon and implement shed, lean-to piggeries and hen house.
A pair of cottages. (scroll down for photograph)
Each containing two bed rooms, sitting room, kitchen, scullery and detached wood shed.
The whole farm comprising : 139a. Or. 13p. Of arable, pasture and woodland. With A prospective building value and a long frontage to the main road and close to Harold Wood station.
Let as follows. 137a. 2r. 33p. Of arable and pasture at a rent of £222. per annum.and la. Ir. 20p. of woodland in hand (valued at £80). To be added to the purchase price).
The occupiers were the executors of Mr. R. Mallinson. On a yearly tenancy.
The outgoings : tithe rent charge (commuted amount) £36. 2s. 6d.
Land tax: £11. 2s od.
The purchaser was Mr. R. Mallinson. Who paid £9,050. + £80 for the growing timber for this lot and lot 14.
There were certain restrictions on the owners of this property, namely that no roots or overhanging branches of the trees along the avenue to Gooshays could be cut without the consent in writing first being obtained from the owner of lot 2. The owner of this lot was allowed to use the portion of the avenue leading to Gooshays to his farm subject to him paying his share of the upkeep to the owner of lot 2 (Gooshays).

Referred to as a pair of cottages in the 1919 auction catalogue these cottages were known as the lodge and stood at the entrance to Gooshays Chase the photo was taken in 1910 looking down the chase from what is now the A12.

New Hall Farm, front, facing the A12 probably post war (maybe 1948)
The Morris Dancer PH 1981 (The front has now become the rear)
The Morris Dancer PH 1981 (What was the rear is now the front)

New Hall Farm, pre 1919
(no attic dormers)

New Hall Farm, front, facing the A12 probably post war (maybe 1948)
Now called the Morris Dancer Public House 1981